Rules & Regulations for Boarders


  • It is expected that each students displays his best and maintains cleanliness of his room and his surroundings.
  • It is expected that every boarder follows the specific schedule of timings of the boarding house, especially rising up and lights out.
  • Matters like bullying, harassing, ragging or hurting physically/mentally is dealt seriously and disciplinary action would be taken against the defaulter.
  • Destruction or damage to school/boarding house property due to breakage or graffiti shall lead to penalization.
  • Principal’s decision is final in all matters.
  • Articles to be brought from home (Find the list).
  • Boarders would be allowed to call up home once in a week for 5 minutes.
  • Parents are not allowed to call the child. If they wish to take the feedback from Warden/Teacher it should not be more than once a month.
  • No electronic gadgets, PSP, etc.  are allowed in the possession of the students. 
  • Boarders are not allowed leave during the school term except in the case of family medical emergency relating to any member of the immediate family (brother, sister, uncle, aunt).
  • Medical leave will be granted by the Principal. On return to the school, the student should deposit with the school infirmary all supporting medical documents and medical certificates including prescriptions.

For Dressing & Appearance

  • Boarders are expected to be presentable at all times.
  • Uniforms are to be worn as per the expectation of the school.
  • Students are not allowed to keep spray deodorants, correction fluids and hair styling gels.
  • Hipster style trousers are not allowed.
  • All the belongings of every student must be listed and clearly marked. Boarders are expected to adhere to linen room timings given by the warden.

Instructions for Parents

  • Parents and guardians who come to visit their wards must contact the Warden who will then summon the child to his study and hand him to the visitor.
  • Parents may not stay in school past 6.00 p.m. If they wish to see the Warden/Teacher or other any teacher, they should take prior appointment from the concerned person.
  • Parents need to understand that their frequent visit to school will only disturb the schedule of the child and teachers. The best time to meet the teachers is at the beginning of the term and at the end of the term  when all the teachers will be available to meet the parents or during the parent-teacher meeting after each assessment.
  • Parents are not allowed to bring any eatables to school.
  • Rules may be changed time to time without prior intimation, keeping in mind the interest of the child /school.

Boarding School Rules of Life

The boarding school is an accommodation solution granted by the school to facilitate the studies of pupils who met transport issues, live too far from the school are have some family conditions which justify a reason to ask for a place at the boarding school. If the rules are not respected after looking for some solutions with the students and their families students can be expelled from the boarding school.   Families have to provide the school with the contact of a trusted person who could come and take care of child when ill or for any other reason if they are not available to come and pick them up at any time of day or night in case of emergency.

Furniture and Spaces

Student can’t arrange their room with personal  furniture . School board furniture items can’t be transported. Students are responsible for these furniture items as well as cleanliness of wall’s and floors. An inventory of fixtures will be done at the beginning of the school year and students are responsible for keeping everything in  good condition. Repairs of damaged items or surfaces will be the charged to the families.   Families have to provide the school with the contact of a trusted person who could come and take care of child when ill or for any other reason if they are not available to come and pick them up at any time of day or night in case of emergency.

Sanitary Rules

Boarders are in charge of  the cleanliness of their room: Every morning all items in the bedroom and bathroom must be arranged properely, so that the cleaning can be done easily, the beds made, the desks arranged. Sheet s, towels must be changed regularly. The school provides a bed pad for each bed, it must be used. When the student leave the boarding, school (Weekends and school holidays) the blankets must be folded on the bed, the windows must be closed and the fans and  lights off.


Students can go to the infirmary according to the nurse schedule and if possible outside class time. All medical treatments must be left in the infirmary with a duplicate of the medical prescription. No medication can be kept by the student. Student have to take their medication in the infirmary.


The boarding school is equipped with a fire safety and system. Evacuation instructions are posted in each room and in the hall ways. Information will be given at the beginning of the school year, evacuation drills are organized. All students have to participate and respect the instructions given.

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